Lost wax artistic foundry



Salvadori Arte Creations

Sokov Leonid
Sokov Leonid

Meetting two sculptures - Lenin & Giacometti h. cm. 250

Portal of noble chapel
Portal of noble chapel

Bronze door, completely conceived, designed, modeled, cast in bronze and installed in the municipal cemetery of Antrodoco (RI), by the artistic foundry Salvadori Arte

Portal of noble chapel
Portal of noble chapel

Bronze door, completely conceived, designed, modeled, cast in bronze and installed in the municipal cemetery of Antrodoco (RI), by the artistic foundry Salvadori Arte

Viggiano Domenico
Viggiano Domenico

Monument celebrating the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. Lost wax bronze. Located in Monsummano Terme (PT)

Pawel Althamer - Parys
Pawel Althamer - Parys

Cast in special copper alloy gold color h. cm. 350. Work exhibited at "La Biennale" in Venice 2013

Thom Puckey
Thom Puckey

Stainless steel castings, lost wax method for a monumental installation in Den Haag (NL)

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