Lost wax artistic foundry



Salvadori Arte

Discover all services offered

Over the years Salvadori Arte has specialized at 360° in the world of art foundry, reaching today to be an international leader in the sector. We are able to offer a wide range of services that cover all the needs of the sector.
In the work spaces, the foundry staff and collaborating assistants are able to support the artist in all stages to achieve the finished sculpture:

  • Sculptural realizations from an idea or a sketch, as well as scaled enlargements or reductions
  • 3D scanning with subsequent multi-material prototyping
  • Fabrication of internal steel constructions (armatures) to reinforce manually produced models in clay or other materials
  • Assistance during the phase of shaping, modelling and retouching the hollow wax models
  • Mould-making with silicon rubber, also on location
  • Filling and encasing of the wax model with plaster-based refractory material, in order to achieve one-piece metal castings of finished sculptures, or sections of sculptures, up to a height of 180 centimeters, while faithfully preserving all details of the modelled original
  • Coating of wax models with ceramic shell
  • Heating the encased wax models in a furnace with a capacity of 4 cubic meters
  • Melting and casting of bronze, or other metals, in a furnace with a capacity of 600 kg
  • Melting and casting of stainless steel and cast iron in an induction furnace with a capacity of 60 kg
  • Finishing works through means of chasing, welding, buffing and polishing
  • Patination
  • Restoration of works in bronze and other metals, the company having collaborated on numerous occasions with various Superintendents of Artistic Heritage
  • Transportation of the model, moulds or finished work from our company premises to the necessary destination by our company van, with a maximum carrying capacity of 3.5 tons
  • Crating for foreign countries in suitable quality-certified wood
  • Shipping to all countries of the world, including all necessary export documents and customs clearance
  • Installation of works or assistance in installation
  • Deposit and storage for moulds and models, and temporary storage for finished works


Salvadori Arte has always worked with sculptors, assisting in all stages of the sculpturing process for creating works of art, specifically:

  • Spaces for modelling
  • Expert assistants
  • Sculptures casting in various types of metal
  • Finishing, patination, transports and installation on site

Salvadori Arte is able to create both generic and specific metal works and other material in various fields such as:

  • Design
  • Furninshings
  • Doors and portals
  • Religious and Funerary Art
  • Portraiture
  • Monuments
  • Urban Art
  • Medals, Plaques and Trophies

You can purchase a wide range of works, both for the house and garden, from Salvadori Arte. In particular you can find:

  • Indoor and Outdoor Design
  • Religious and Funerary Art
  • Paintings
  • Lighting
  • Classical Reproductions
  • Archaeological Sculptures
  • Original Sculptures
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