Lost wax artistic foundry




Salvadori Arte has always worked with sculptors, assisting in all stages of the sculpturing process for creating works of art, specifically:
Spaces for modeling
Expert assistants
Casting in various types of metal
Finishing, patina, transport and installation on site
We are proud to have worked with:
Jean-Michel FOLON   Alexander KOSOLAPOV   Primo CONTI   Mario CEROLI   Novello FINOTTI   Pawel ALTHAMER   Anatoly OSMOLOVSKY   Venturino VENTURI   Quinto MARTINI   Antonio MANZI   Roberto JOPPOLO   Beverly PEPPER   Klaus STÜMPEL   Roberto BARNI   Fernando BOTERO   Giuliano VANGI   Grisha BRUSKIN   Ilya KABAKOV   Massimo LOMI   Thom PUCKEY   Leonid SOKOV   Elisabet STIENSTRA   Jorio VIVARELLI  

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