Lost wax artistic foundry




Arte Sacra e Funeraria / Holy and Funerary Art

La Salvadori Arte cura anche, da tempo, la riproduzione di oggetti di arte sacra tradizionali e moderni, anche su progetti proposti dal committente ed eseguiti da artisti di sua fiducia. Salvadori Arte has also, for a long time, been taking care of the reproduction of traditional and modern holy art objects, also on projects proposed by the client and executed by artists of his trust.

Cristo in croce

Christ on the cross

Sacred and Funerary Art
€ 7200,00
Testa di Cristo

Head of Christ

Sacred and Funerary Art
€ 2054,00
Resurrezione (bassorilievo)

Resurrection (low relief)

Sacred and Funerary Art
€ 1028,00
Volto di Gesù (altorilievo)

Head of Christ (high relief)

Sacred and Funerary Art
€ 616,00
Crocifissione (bassorilievo)

Crucifixion (low relief)

Sacred and Funerary Art
€ 1027,00
Cristo in croce

Christ on the cross

Sacred and Funerary Art
€ 1016,00
Deposizione con Pie donne (bassorilievo)

Deposition with pious women (low relief)

Sacred and Funerary Art
€ 1926,00
Deposizione sul Monte Calvario (bassorilievo)

Deposition on Mount Calvary (low relief)

Sacred and Funerary Art
€ 1926,00
Angeli Oranti (bassorilievo)

Angels praying (low relief)

Sacred and Funerary Art
€ 2312,00
Deposizione (bassorilievo)

Deposition (low relief)

Sacred and Funerary Art
€ 2440,00
Croce con sei scene evangeliche

Cross with six evangelical scenes

Sacred and Funerary Art
€ 3538,00
S. Antonio da Padova

Saint Anthony of Padua

Sacred and Funerary Art
€ 2054,00
Cristo che cammina sulle acque (bassorilievo)

Christ walking on the water (low relief)

Sacred and Funerary Art
€ 2312,00
Deposizione con Madonna (bassorilievo)

Deposition with Madonna (low relief)

Sacred and Funerary Art
€ 771,00
Busto Madonna (altorilievo)

Bust of the virgin Mary (high relief)

Sacred and Funerary Art
€ 1798,00
Sacro Cuore (bassorilievo)

Sacred Heart (low relief)

Sacred and Funerary Art
€ 771,00
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